Enhance your POS reports with greater flexibility in managing your sales and labor information. You can modify any report in Aspect to produce just the information you need. If you already have reports you are accustomed to, perhaps in a spreadsheet, chances are you can create those reports in Aspect.
Manage your labor cost by calculating the cost of schedules you enter and by comparing actual labor against scheduled labor each day. You can export schedules from Aspect to some POS systems to ensure that employees clock in/out within specified grace periods.
Manage your inventory cost by calculating your actual inventory usage/cost and comparing it to the calculated legitimate usage/cost. It tells you when your cost is above the ideal and which items are causing the problem.
Eliminate redundant data entry by exporting to many popular accounting packages and payroll services. For example, you can open a payroll timesheet at the end of a pay period and export the information to a payroll service. In a similar fashion, you can export invoices and sales information to an accounting package and import invoices from major vendors.
Manage information from multiple stores by sending data from each store to a central office at the end of each day. Using a copy of Aspect at your central office, you can review sales, labor and inventory information for any store.
Compatible with all 32-bit versions of Microsoft Windows.
Can also be used on 64-bit versions of Windows with Virtual PC, a free download from Microsoft. Microsoft does not supply Virtual PC for Windows 7 Home Edition. If you are using the Home Edition, you'll need to upgrade to either Windows 7 Professional or Ulitimate.
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Aspect Software Development, Inc.Back-Office Software for Restaurateurs |
info@aspect-software.net 800-454-3280 |
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Point-Of-Sale (Import)
Payroll (Export)
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Handheld Inventory Systems (Export/Import)
Vendors (Import)
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